Romantic Audio Club March 09, 2023
“The warmth of the tent woke Claire up once again. She felt even warmer than before and well rested. She lifted her head from what seemed to be fur, she then rubbed her eyes.”
The Alpha Viking and the Flour Girl Part 1 | Romantic Audio Club
She froze, watching his every move, trying to find some form of weakness in him that she could exploit. But the more she looked, the more afraid she grew...
The Alpha Viking and the Flour Girl Part 2 | Romantic Audio Club
Claire wasn’t sure when, but she knew at that some point in their journey, she’d fallen asleep. She hadn’t wanted to do it, but as she awoke...
The Alpha Viking and the Flour Girl Part 3 | Romantic Audio Club
Elvor grunted as he was getting up from the pile of materials. Claire watched him run out the tent with hardly any clothes on...
The Alpha Viking and the Flour Girl Part 4 | Romantic Audio Club
The squirming only caused him to hold her tighter, his hands then began to travel along her waist. She gasped at his touch and screamed...
The Alpha Viking and the Flour Girl Part 5 | Romantic Audio Club
Before King Elvor came to fruition there was a Viking prince. There have been many kings before Elvor, one of them being his father. His father was a strong...